James Luedde to represent Tampa in The World’s Largest Street Photography Event

April 02, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Contact: James Luedde

Fotoset by James Luedde

Phone 813-480-8047

[email protected]



Press Release

Tampa Bay area Photographer James Luedde to represent Tampa in The World’s Largest Street Photography Event April 7, 2018.

James Luedde to represent Tampa as part of the 24HourProject April 7th, 2018.

Tampa, FL. April 2, 2018:  James Luedde, Tampa Bay area Photographer, will represent Tampa in The World’s Largest Street Photography Event April 7, 2018. The24HourProject begins April 7th, 2018 where over 2500 participants from over 700 cities and 150 countries create and share one photo per hour during twenty four hours. On one single day we get to see the world from a different point of view, humanity documented by local photographers. Through the 24HourProject’s mission, values and global exhibitions, the project reaches millions of individuals annually showcasing the human connection of images and real live stories. In addition to documenting humanity throughout the Tampa Bay area James will also be documenting stories of women in concert with the project’s additional theme in 2018, documenting stories of women around the world. As a way to empower women, this year the 24HourProject is collaborating with Shakti Vahini, a non-profit organization in India which empowers, educates and defends women and their human rights. More information about the project can be found at http://24hourproject.org/ or via Instagram @24hourproject.

“I am excited and nervous at the same time. Spending 24 consecutive hours on the street shooting brings challenges in itself. My personal “Thin Line Project” thethinlineproject.com where street photography and my personal feelings and emotions intersect have given me a comfort level in doing this type of work. However, there is a level of fear, vulnerability and challenge to create that swirls up a nervous but exciting feeling. I hope to just let go and see where the 24 hours takes me. I did it once in New York City and always wanted to shoot for 24 hours here in my hometown. Seems meant to be in some way.” – James Luedde

James Luedde - Fotoset Photography, a self-taught Florida based photographer who adds a creative, journalistic approach to event, sports, portrait and commercial photography. Recipient of the 2013 CL Visions Award, commissioned for photography projects for a wide range of companies and mediums. Commercially James offers creative photography services including event photography, individual & action sports photography, commercial advertising & marketing photography along with lifestyle photography services. Artistically James finds passion and a connection with Street Photography as seen in his recent work, The Thin Line, which explores transparency and mental health.


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